

《肮髒電影》是一部由克裡斯托弗·米洛尼執導的喜劇片,克裡斯托弗·米洛尼、Diane Neal、辛迪·勞帕聯合主演,于2011上映。該片講述了一個低俗的制片人想要拍攝一部完全是“下流笑話”的電影,他說服電影公司導演一部充滿種族、宗教、膚色等各種歧視,嘲諷及反嘲的電影過程及結果的故事。
  • 中文名:肮髒電影
  • 外文名:Dirt! The Movie
  • 地理位置:
  • 所處時代:
  • 占地面積:
  • 保護級别:
  • 開放時間:
  • 出品時間:2009年08月07日
  • 出品公司: 美國
  • 類型:紀錄
  • 主演: 比爾·本内森,Paul Stamets
  • 片長: 80
  • 上映時間: 2009年08月07日





Janine Benyus ....Author / Founder

Jeremy Narby ....Anthropologist

Sebastião Salgado ....Photographer

Marisha Farnsworth ....Natural Builder

Kevin Rowell ....Natural Builder

Lottie Manuel ....Herself

Edward Pagan ....Himself

Pabo Rolan ....Himself

Bill Logan ....Urban Arborist / Author - 'Dirt'

Paul Stamets ....Mycologist

Gary Vaynerchuk ....Founder - The Wine Library / Host of Wine L

Vandana Shiva ....Physicist / Environmental Activist

Miguel Altieri ....Professor Ph.D. Entomology - University of Florida / UC Berkeley

萬加麗·馬薩伊 Wangari Maathai ....Nobel Laureate / Founder - Green Belt Movement

Carlo Petrini ....Founder - the Slow Food Movement

Pierre Rabhi ....Author / Farmer / Environmentalist

Andy Lipkis ....Founder - Tree People / Citizen Forester

Fritjof Capra ....Theoretical Physicist / Director - Center for Ecoliteracy, Berkeley

Jeanette Armstrong ....Land Speaker - Okanagan Author & Artist

James Suntum ....The Parochial Vicar - Santuario de Chimayo

Casimiro Roca ....The Associate Pastor - Santuario de Chimayo (as Fr. Casimiro Roca)

David Orr ....Professor of Environmental Studies - Oberlin

Richard Regester ....Eco-designer

Wes Jackson ....President - The Land Institute

Jerry Glover ....Agroecologist - The Land Institute

Juan Vicent Sanchez ....Professor Agriculture Studies - UCA

Leila Salgado ....Co-Founder - Instituto Terra

Majora Carter ....Founder - Sustainable South Bronx

Peter Girguis ....Assistant Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University

Helen White ....Herself - MSI Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Organismic & Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University

Hilda Krus ....Horticultural Therapist - The Greenhouse: Rikers Island

James Jiler ....Program Director - The Greenhouse: Rikers Island

Barbara Damrosch ....Author / Organic Farmer

Wes Kinney ....Owner - Kinney Compost

Will Brinton ....Founder - Woods End Research Laboratory

艾麗絲·沃特斯 Alice Waters ....Founder - Edible Schoolyard

Sharon Jackson ....Participant - The Green Team

Juan Mighty ....Participant - The Green Team

John Cannizzo ....Director - The Green Team

傑米·李·柯蒂斯 Jamie Lee Curtis ....Narrator

Katrina Hawkins ....Herself

Cricket Leigh ....Temp Narrator

Francesca Mazzola ....Herself


導演 Director:

比爾·本内森 Bill Benenson

伊洛諾爾·戴利 Eleonore Dailly

吉尼·絡斯沃 Gene Rosow

制作人 Produced by:

比爾·本内森 Bill Benenson ....executive producer

Laurie Benenson ....executive producer

伊洛諾爾·戴利 Eleonore Dailly ....producer

吉尼·絡斯沃 Gene Rosow ....producer

Dileep Singh Rathore ....line producer: India

Tracy J. Brown ....associate producer

Christine Deitner ....associate producer

Tyler Harbour ....associate producer

Marisa Murgatroyd ....associate producer

Lisa Yesko ....post-production producer

原創音樂 Original Music:

Jorge Corante

攝影 Cinematography:

David Aubrey

Ben Bloodwell

César Boretti

Steve Elkins

Walter Lorrusso

Antonio Rossi

Marisa Murgatroyd

Tom Pakulski

剪輯 Film Editing:

Jonathan P. Shaw

Alexandra Komisaruk

Rob Seidenglanz

Brian Singbiel


導演比爾·本内森和吉尼·絡斯沃因為William Bryant Logan的著作《The Ecstatic Skin of the Earth, Dirt!》而起了拍攝本片的念頭。



Common Ground Media




