

  • 中文名:顯而易見
  • 外文名:Obvious
  • 發行時間:2004年2月23日
  • 曲長:03:33



單曲名稱: Obvious

版本: CD1 限量版 / CD2 發行版

發行日期: 2004年2月23日

發行地區: 英國/愛爾蘭/歐洲

屬于專輯: Turnaround

首周銷量: 33,584

總銷量: 76, 000

英國單曲排行榜(UK Singles Chart)成績: No.3

作者: Andreas Carlsson/Pilot/Savan



01 Obvious

01 Obvious

02 Westlife Hits Medley

02 I'm Missing Loving You

03 To Be With You (Live)

CD-ROM (Obvious 音樂錄影帶)



Yeah ooooh

We started as friends 一開始 我們是無話不談的好朋友

But something happened inside me 但我的心裡卻發生了一些變化

Now I'm reading into everything 現在的我在了解所有事情

There's no sign you hear the lightning baby親愛的 你似乎沒有察覺到這個秘密

You don't ever notice me turning on my charm 你難道沒有發現 我在對你散發魅力

Or wonder why I'm always where you are 你難道不覺得奇怪 有你的地方我一定在

I've made it obvious 我表現的這麼明顯

Done everything but sing it 暗示了一切 隻除了傾訴衷曲

(I've crushed on you so long but on and on you get me wrong) (我暗戀你好久 但你總是不知不覺)

I'm not so good with words 我不善于表達自己

And since you never notice 既然你從未察覺

The way that we belong 我們可以兩心相許

I'll say it in a love song 我隻好唱一首情歌向你傾訴

I've heard you talk about

(Heard you talk about)

How you want someone just like me (Bryan echo just like me) 我聽你說過 我就是你的夢中情人的典型

But everytime I ask you out 但每次我們單獨相處

(Time I ask you out)

We never move pass friendly no no 卻總是沒有向前跨越的勇氣

And you don't ever notice how I scare when we're alone 你難道沒有發現我在我們獨處時是多麼慌亂

Or wonder why I keep you on the phone 你難道不覺得奇怪我每次都不讓你挂電話

I've made it obvious

Done everything but sing it 暗示了一切 隻除了傾訴衷曲

(I've crushed on you so long but on and on you get me wrong) (我暗戀你好久 但你總是不知不覺)

I'm not so good with words 我不善于表達自己

And since you never notice 既然你從未察覺

The way that we belong 我們可以兩心相許

I'll say it in a love song 我隻好唱一首情歌向你傾訴


You are my very first thought in the morning 你是我早晨醒來的第一個念頭

And my last at nightfall你是我夜晚入睡的最後一絲意念

You are the love that came without warning 你就這麼毫無征兆地闖進我心扉

I need you I want you to know 我想讓你知道 我需要你

I've made it obvious 我表現的這麼明顯

So finally I'll sing it 終于 我要對你傾訴衷曲了

(I've crushed on you so long) (我暗戀你好久)

I'm not so good with words 我不善于表達自己

And since you never notice 既然你從未察覺

The way that we belong 我們可以兩心相許

I'll say it in a love song 我以一首情歌 來向你傾訴

And sing it until the day you're holding me (我要唱到你明了的那一天)

I'Ve wanted you so long but on and on you get me wrong 我暗戀你好久 但你總是不知不覺

I more then adore you but since you never seem to see

But you never seem to see 我真摯的愛慕着你 你從來不知道我的心意

I'll say it in this love song 我隻好在這首情歌裡向你傾訴









I awake to the sound of your heart on the ground, again

Somethings are hard to explain, so nothing is said, again

When there are hard times it's never the right times

When the tears broke down my faces and times it's hard to see that I really love you

There's a smile beneath that face and it stays each time that I see you

So if you look closer, if you look closer, it's obvious

Simple things sometimes are hard to say cause we've changed

But if you take my hand you should understand it's not in vain

In all in this hard times we'll find the right times

When the tears broke down my faces and times it's hard to see that I really love you

There's a smile beneath that face and it stays each time that I see you

So if you look closer, if you look closer, it's obvious

When the tears broke down my faces and times it's hard to see that I really love you

There's a smile beneath that face and it stays each time that I see you

So if you look closer, if you look closer, it's obvious.


2006年,新興公司Obvious創建。它是由博客技術先驅埃文·威廉姆斯(Evan Williams)發起的,主要是為Twitter網站推出大圍脖服務。在最初階段,這項服務隻是用于向好友的手機發送文本信息。


