MAC(Media Access Control或者Medium Access Control)地址,意譯為媒體訪問控制,或稱為物理地址、硬件地址,用來定義網絡設備的位置。[1]在OSI模型中,第三層網絡層負責IP地址,第二層數據鍊路層則負責MAC地址。因此一個主機會有一個MAC地址,而每個網絡位置會有一個專屬于它的IP地址。MAC地址是網卡決定的,是固定的。
    中文名:MAC地址 外文名:MAC Address 所屬學科: 全稱:Media Access Control地址 别稱:硬件地址 釋義:用來定義網絡設備的位置 表示:十六進制數 字節:六個字節 特性:産品出産後Mac地址就固定了


MAC(Medium/Media Access Control)地址,用來表示互聯網上每一個站點的标識符,采用十六進制數表示,共六個字節(48位)。

其中,前三個字節是由IEEE的注冊管理機構RA負責給不同廠家分配的代碼(高位24位),也稱為“編制上唯一的标識符”(Organizationally Unique Identifier),後三個字節(低位24位)由各廠家自行指派給生産的适配器接口,稱為擴展标識符(唯一性)。一個地址塊可以生成2個不同的地址。MAC地址實際上就是适配器地址或适配器标識符EUI-48。


MAC(Media Access Control,介質訪問控制)地址,也叫硬件地址,長度是48比特(6字節),由16進制的數字組成,分為前24位和後24位:前24位叫做組織唯一标志符(Organizationally Unique Identifier,即OUI),是由IEEE的注冊管理機構給不同廠家分配的代碼,區分了不同的廠家。
















當然軟件修改的方法就相對來說要簡單得多了,在Windows中,網卡的MAC保存在注冊表中,實際使用也是從注冊表中提取的,所以隻要修改注冊表就可以改變MAC。Windows 9x中修改:打開注冊表編輯器,在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServiceClassNet下的0000,0001,0002。

Windows 2000/XP中的修改:同樣打開注冊表編輯器,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControl





舉個例子,獲得局域網内某台主機的MAC地址,比如想得到局域網内名為TARGET主機的MAC地址,先用PING命令:PING TARGET,這樣在我們主機上面的ARP表的緩存中就會留下目标地址和MAC映射的記錄,然後通過ARP A命令來查詢ARP表,這樣就得到了指定主機的MAC地址。最後用ARP-s IP網卡MAC地址,命令把網關的IP地址和它的MAC地址映射起來就可以了。


ARP(Address Resolution Protocol)是地址解析協議,ARP是一種将IP地址轉化成物理地址的協議。從IP地址到物理地址的映射有兩種方式:表格方式和非表格方式。ARP具體說來就是将網絡層(IP層,也就是相當于OSI的第三層)地址解析為數據連接層(MAC層,也就是相當于OSI的第二層)的MAC地址。ARP協議是通過IP地址來獲得MAC地址的。




我們可以将IP地址和MAC地址捆綁起來來解決這個問題。進入“MS-DOS方式”或“命令提示符”,在命令提示符下輸入命令:ARP-s 00-10-5C-AD-72-E3,即可把MAC地址和IP地址捆綁在一起。這樣,就不會出現IP地址被盜用而不能正常使用網絡的情況,可以有效保證小區網絡的安全和用戶的應用。









In computer networking a Media Access Control address (MAC address) or Ethernet Hardware Address (EHA) or hardware address or adapter address is a quasi-unique identifier attached to most network adapters (NIC or Network Interface Card).It is a number that serves as an identifier for a particular network adapter.

Thus network cards (or built-in network adapters) in two different computers will have different MAC addresses,as would an Ethernet adapter and a wireless adapter in the same computer, and as would multiple network cards in a router. However,it is possible to change the MAC address on most of today's hardware, often referred to as MAC spoofing.

Most layer 2 network protocols use one of three numbering spaces managed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): MAC-48, EUI-48, andEUI-64, which are designed to be globally unique. Not all communications protocols use MAC addresses, and not all protocols require globally unique identifiers. The IEEE claims trademarks on the names "EUI-48" and "EUI-64" ("EUI" stands for Extended Unique Identifier).

MAC addresses, unlike IP addresses and IPX addresses, are not divided into "host" and "network" portions. Therefore, a host cannot determine from the MAC address of another host whether that host is on the same layer 2 network segment as the sending host or a network segment bridged to that network segment.

ARP is commonly used to convert from addresses in a layer 3 protocol such as Internet Protocol (IP) to the layer 2 MAC address. On broadcast networks, such as Ethernet, the MAC address allows each host to be uniquely identified and allows frames to be marked for specific hosts. It thus forms the basis of most of the layer 2 networking upon which higher OSI Layer protocols are built to produce complex, functioning networks.

Contents [hide]

1.Notational conventions

2.Address details

Individual address block

3.Bit-reversed notation

4.See also


6.External links

[edit] Notational conventions

The standard (IEEE 802) format for printing MAC-48 addresses in human-readable media is six groups of two hexadecimal digits, separated by hyphens (-) in transmission order, e.g. 01-23-45-67-89-ab. This form is also commonly used forEUI-64. Other conventions include six groups of two separated by colons (:), e.g. 01:23:45:67:89:ab; or three groups of four hexadecimal digits separated by dots (.), e.g. 0123.4567.89ab; again in transmission order.

[edit] Address details

The original IEEE 802 MAC address comes from the original Xerox Ethernet addressing scheme. This 48-bit address space contains potentially 248 or 281,474,976,710,656 possible MAC addresses.

All three numbering systems use the same format and differ only in the length of the identifier. Addresses can either be "universally administered addresses" or "locally administered addresses."

A universally administered address is uniquely assigned to a device by its manufacturer; these are sometimes called "burned-in addresses" (BIA). The first three octets (in transmission order) identify the organization that issued the identifier and are known as the Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI).

The following three (MAC-48 and EUI-48) or five (EUI-64) octets are assigned by that organization in nearly any manner they please, subject to the constraint of uniqueness. The IEEE expects the MAC-48 space to be exhausted no sooner than the year 2100;EUI-64s are not expected to run out in the foreseeable future.

A locally administered address is assigned to a device by a network administrator, overriding the burned-in address. Locally administered addresses do not contain OUIs.

Universally administered and locally administered addresses are distinguished by setting the second least significant bit of the most significant byte of the address. If the bit is 0, the address is universally administered. If it is 1, the address is locally administered.

The bit is 0 in all OUIs. For example, The most significant byte is 02h. The binary is 00000010 and the second least significant bit is 1. Therefore, it is a locally administered address.

If the least significant bit of the most significant byte is set to a 0, the packet is meant to reach only one receiving NIC. This is called unicast. If the least significant bit of the most significant byte is set to a 1, the packet is meant to be sent only once but still reach several NICs. This is called multicast.

MAC-48 and EUI-48 addresses are usually shown in hexadecimal format, with each octet separated by a dash or colon. An example of a MAC-48 address would be "00-08-74-4C-7F-1D".

If you cross-reference the first three octets with IEEE's OUI assignments,you can see that this MAC address came from Dell Computer Corp. The last three octets represent the serial number assigned to the adapter by the manufacturer.

The following technologies use the MAC-48 identifier format:ATM (switched virtual connections only, as part of an NSAP address),Fibre Channel and Serial Attached SCSI (as part of a World Wide Name).

The distinction between EUI-48 and MAC-48 identifiers is purely semantic: MAC-48 is used for network hardware; EUI-48 is used to identify other devices and software. (Thus, by definition, an EUI-48 is not in fact a "MAC address", although it is syntactically indistinguishable from one and assigned from the same numbering space.)

The IEEE now considers the label MAC-48 to be an obsolete term which was previously used to refer to a specific type of EUI-48 identifier used to address hardware interfaces within existing 802-based networking applications and should not be used in the future. Instead, the term EUI-48 should be used for this purpose.

EUI-64 identifiers are used in:IPv6 (as the low-order 64 bits of a unicast network address when temporary addresses are not being used)

ZigBee /802.15.4wireless personal-area networks.The IEEE has built in several special address types to allow more than one Network Interface Card to be addressed at one time:Packets sent to the broadcast address, all one bits, are received by all stations on a local area network. In hexadecimal the broadcast address would be "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF".

Packets sent to a multicast address are received by all stations on a LAN that have been configured to receive packets sent to that address.

Functional addresses identify one of more Token Ring NICs that provide a particular service, defined in IEEE 802.5.

These are "group addresses", as opposed to "individual addresses"; the least significant bit of the first octet of a MAC address distinguishes individual addresses from group addresses. That bit is set to 0 in individual addresses and 1 in group addresses. Group addresses, like individual addresses, can be universally administered or locally administered.

In addition, the EUI-64 numbering system encompasses both MAC-48 and EUI-48 identifiers by a simple translation mechanism. To convert a MAC-48 into an EUI-64, copy the OUI, append the two octets "FF-FF", and then copy the organization-specified part.

To convert an EUI-48 into an EUI-64, the same process is used, but the sequence inserted is "FF-FE". In both cases, the process can be trivially reversed when necessary. Organizations issuing EUI-64s are cautioned against issuing identifiers that could be confused with these forms. The IEEE policy is to discourage new uses of 48-bit identifiers in favor of the EUI-64 system.

IPv6—one of the most prominent standards that usesEUI-64—applies these rules inconsistently. Due to an error in the appendix to the specification of IPv6 addressing, it is standard practice to extend MAC-48 addresses (such as IEEE 802 MAC address) to EUI-64 using "FF-FE" rather than "FF-FF."

[edit] Individual address block

An Individual Address Block comprises a 24-bit OUI managed by the IEEE Registration Authority, followed by 12 IEEE-provided bits (identifying the organization),and 12 bits for the owner to assign to individual devices. An IAB is ideal for organizations requiring fewer than 4097 unique 48-bit numbers (EUI-48).

[edit] Bit-reversed notation

The standard transmission order notation for MAC addresses,as seen in the output of the ifconfig command for example, is also called canonical format.

[edit] See also

NSAP address, another endpoint addressing scheme.

Cisco Hot Standby Router Protocol or standard alternative VRRP Virtual router redundancy protocol,which allows multiple routers to share one IP address and MAC address to provide router redundancy. The OpenBSD project has an open source alternative, the Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP).



什麼是IP組播?協議層常需要和組群打交道,進行發現、通知、查詢等工作。IP用組播IP地址在第三層組播,一個multicast IP address可以有多個成員,組播數據包會被IP層路由器轉發到組群成員所在的路由器,然後用以太網的組播功能把數據包送到組播成員的網卡接口。





組群成員的網卡接口除了硬件MAC地址(unicast MAC),還有組播MAC地址(multicast MAC)。接口收到組播包,會把此包的目的MAC地址(是個組播MAC)和自己的MAC地址比較,如果組播地址相同,就會接受此包。這樣,局網内這個組群的所有成員,都會收到送往該組群的組播包。但是,IP的組播地址和以太網接口的組播MAC地址是什麼關系呢?


例,OSPF IP組播地址是224.0.0.5,轉換為相應的MAC組播地址如下:

把IP地址(32位)用二進制表現11100000: 00000000: 00000000: 00000101

然後抽出最右邊的23叫做A 0000000: 00000000: 00000101

把IEE定義的組播01:00:5e作為B. B有24位(二進制是00000001:00000000:01011110)


連接B,0,A: B有24位,在左邊;0是一位,在中間,A有23位,在右邊。共48位。二進制是00000001:00000000:01011110:00000000: 00000000: 00000101






以太網怎麼把數據包傳遞給目的計算機?以太網内的計算機用網卡連接到以太網。一個網卡可以有幾個接口1。每個網卡接口都配置一個IP地址,和一個固定的硬件地址(hardware address),也叫做單播MAC地址(Unicast MAC)。

由于以太網有廣播的屬性,數據包經路由器的以太網接口轉發時,會被洪泛到以太網中所有的接口,網卡接口在收到一個數據包時,把數據包的目的MAC地址和自己的unicast MAC地址比較,若相同,就接受此包,否則丢棄。這樣,隻有接收方的技術會接收此包,其它接口會丢棄此包。



