Re:I am

Re:I am

專輯《RE:I AM EP》的主打曲
日本女歌手Aimer的專輯RE:I AM EP (通常盤)中的一首歌。同時也是《機動戰士高達獨角獸》(第六話「宇宙與地球」)的主題曲 ,作者是曾經為同系列作品譜寫主題曲《unicorn》的澤野弘之,他也是βios(罪惡王冠的高人氣BGM,被網友稱為‘拔劍曲’‘拔劍插曲’‘拔劍歌’)的作者。 這一段曲目與之前的5部獨角獸高達系列一樣,出現在了作品的最後,主角巴納吉·林克斯駕駛的獨角獸高達與地球軍少尉利迪駕駛的報喪女妖的宿命對決一觸即發之時,整個曲子是不可多得的佳作。
    中文名: 外文名:RE:I AM 所屬專輯:RE:I AM EP 歌曲時長:0時05分47秒 歌曲原唱:Aimer 填詞:澤野弘之 譜曲:澤野弘之 編曲:澤野弘之 音樂風格:Anime 歌曲語言:日語 版 權:DefSTAR Records lnc.


Please hear menI want to tell younPlease sing to menI wanna hear your voicen時の鼓動がまだ響く間n裸の言葉胸に閉じこめたn記憶の色が滲み始めるn破れた世界の隅でn何も求めずにただ抱き寄せるn今の僕にはそれしか出來ないn震えた強がりでもnプライドに見えるn逸れた子供のようにn最後の聲さえもn風がさまようせいで消されたn月に手を向けたままn君は空の星に消えたn「側にいて」と抱きしめてもnもう2度と聞こえない君の歌聲はn降り注いだ雨のサイレンn僕の代わりにn今この空が泣き続けるnこれまで踏みつけてきた教えをn今掻き集めこの胸に當ててもn救い求め歌うようなnお遊戯に見えるn物語る大人のようにn言葉に寄り添うだけのn空の愛と導きはいらないn飾られた祈りではn明日の手掛かりに觸れないnいつか君に屆くはずのn名も無き幼い詩が描くわがままをn忘れたいよ一度だけn眠れぬ悲しみがnその詩を抱きしめてるnFreezing cold shatters my sorrownAnd scorching sand puts it together againnFreezing cold shatters my sorrownAnd scorching sand puts it together againn投げ捨てられる正しさならn消える事ない間違いの方が良いn臆病に隠してた聲を今nこの手でもう一度さらせば良いn掴む軌道も咲く光もn乾いた心のせいでnモノクロに見えたn忘れないよ今日の景色をnありふれた願いがn足元を照らしてくれるnPlease hear menI want to tell younPlease sing to menI wanna hear your voice


Please hear me

I want to tell you

Please sing to me

I wanna hear your voice

I wonder why we have to kill

each other so long?

We've been through the fights

Now we will have to sacrifice

I can't ignore this matter

I can't think of you for now

All of my life It's been up and down for me

It seems our road through life

hasn't got any better

We need to find the way

We will put an end to this

I've been hold these feeling everyday

And heartache when I think of you

I need some help

I can rely on you

Many lives were lost but we're still alive

We can make our self better

But I don't cry for destiny

We must find out how to live and die

The truth is never everything that you can see

I'll never let you go

You are the only one

Forever but it's come to own me

For anyone can hold my hand

Oh you can trust in me

Could hear the siren

And the sky is crying loud as ever

I can sense the vibe between you and me

I wonder why we have to kill each other so long?

We've been through the fights

Now we will have to sacrifice

Can I ignore this situation?

I can't think of you for now

All of my life It's been up and down for me

Many lives were lost but we're still alive

We can make our self better

But I don't cry for destiny

We must find out how to live and die

The truth is never everything that you can see

I'll never let you go

You are the only one

Forever but it's come to own me

For anyone can hold my hand

Oh you can trust in me

Could hear the siren

And the sky is crying loud as ever

I can sense the vibe between you and me

Freezing cold shatters my sorrow

And scorching sand puts it together again

Oh It's more than anything

That you are on my side

The hands of time won't stop

I wonder where you are

Then it's more than everything

That you are the best for me

All of our life

Every piece

Heaven's peace

We'll never forget you

You are the only one

Forever but it's come to own me

For anyone can hold my hand

Oh you can trust in me

Could hear the siren

And the sky is crying loud as ever

I can feel this bond between you and me




