

湯亞傑于2005年從美國麻省理工學院(MIT)學成回國,現任山東大學特聘教授、博士生/碩士生導師。2020年5月起任山東大學青島校區黨工委委員、副校長。主要從事“發酵工程”領域的教學科研工作,聚集天然産物生物制造,緻力于解決實驗室的生物技術成果産業化的瓶頸問題。應邀出任發酵工程領域學術期刊“Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (Springer)”Associate Editor(副主編)。先後入選全國傑出專業技術人才、“萬人計劃”科技創新領軍人才、“新世紀百千萬人才工程”國家級人選、國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者。
  • 中文名:湯亞傑
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:湖北省武穴市
  • 畢業院校:
  • 學位/學曆:
  • 職業:湖北工業大學學科建設辦公室主任
  • 專業方向:
  • 職務:
  • 學術代表作:
  • 主要成就:
  • 出生年月:1973年10月



湯亞傑教授主持了科技部“中青年科技創新領軍人才”、教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計劃”、湖北省“楚天學者”獎勵計劃、國家自然科學基金、湖北省高端人才引領培養計劃等30多項科研課題。以通訊或第一作者在發酵工程領域主流學術期刊(如Scientific ReportsMetab Eng、Appl Environ Microbiol)上發表SCI論文58篇;單篇SCI他引最高達93次。以第一發明人授權發明專利18項,含美國專利2項。獲湖北省科技進步一等獎1項、教育部自然科學一等獎2項、湖北省自然科學二等獎1項、上海市自然科學二等獎1項。


湯亞傑應邀出任“Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (Springer)”副主編(Associate Editor)、Biotechnology Journal (Wiley)的Advisory Board (顧問委員會)、BioMed Research International (Hindawi)的Editorial Board (編輯委員會)。




(1) 黑孢塊菌液體深層發酵:創建了珍貴菌物資源——黑孢塊菌液體深層發酵高效生産菌絲體及生物活性物質的過程,使塊菌生産周期由野生的4-12年縮短為發酵的5-10天,并闡明了發酵塊菌在香味、鮮味和營養組分相似或優越于野生塊菌,證明了發酵塊菌可替代野生塊菌,為解決塊菌資源短缺提供了新思路。上述研究獲得國家自然科學基金(21376066、21206035)、教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃、湖北省“楚天學者”計劃等資助;部分成果發表在發酵工程領域國際知名學術期刊雜志上,如Bioresource Technology (IF=5.039)、Analytica Chimica Acta (IF=4.517)、Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology(IF=3.811),獲湖北省自然科學二等獎1項,授權發明專利4項。

(2) 鬼臼類抗腫瘤天然藥物研究:構建了定向修飾鬼臼類化合物分子結構開發抗腫瘤新藥的技術平台,建立了結構新穎和分子多樣的“鬼臼類化合物庫”,并從中篩選出一系列具有成藥前景的新化合物。其中,與已應用于臨床的鬼臼類抗腫瘤藥物“依托泊苷”相比,4-MP-PTOX和4-TG-PTOX對人胃癌細胞株的抑制活性分别提高了121和91倍,對人正常腎小管細胞的細胞毒性分别降低了19和17倍,水溶性分别提高了300%和124%;同時,4-MP-PTOX和4-TG-PTOX具有較強的微管蛋白靶向結合能力,與靶蛋白微管蛋白的結合常數分别為8.7和8.5 μM,較“依托泊苷”(15.9 μM)均提高了近100%,有望開發為新型微管蛋白聚合抑制性抗腫瘤藥物。上述研究獲得科技部中青年科技創新領軍人才、國家自然科學基金(20976038、20706012)等資助;部分成果發表在Bioresource Technology (IF=5.039)、Applied and Environmental Microbiology (IF=3.952)、Current Medicinal Chemistry(IF=4.070) 等國際知名學術期刊上;授權發明專利6項,含美國專利1項。

(3) 琥珀酸生物制造:建立了微生物菌種基因工程分子操作平台,對産琥珀酸大腸杆菌基因工程菌的代謝支路中關鍵酶基因進行了定向改造,減少了副産物合成及磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸的代謝流損失,增強了琥珀酸生物合成,琥珀酸産量提高了5倍;同時解析了琥珀酸生物合成代謝網絡,篩選出影響琥珀酸通量大小的關鍵節點,為高産琥珀酸大腸杆菌的改造提供了新思路。上述研究獲得國家自然科學基金(21176059)、湖北省自然科學基金創新群體等資助,部分成果發表在Metabolic Engineering(IF=8.258)、Microbial Cell Factories (IF=4.250)等國際知名學術期刊上。


1. 湖北省科技進步一等獎(2014) 

2. 教育部自然科學一等獎(2014)

3. 湖北省科技進步三等獎(2013)

4. 武漢市科技進步二等獎(2013)

5. 湖北省自然科學二等獎(2011)

6. 上海市自然科學二等獎(2010)

7. 教育部自然科學一等獎(2004)


1. 全國傑出專業技術人才(2014)

2. 中組部“萬人計劃”第一批科技創新領軍人才(2014)

3. 科技部第一批“中青年科技創新領軍人才”(2013)

4. 教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計劃”(2011)

5. 國務院政府特殊津貼(2010)

6. 人社部“新世紀百千萬人才工程”國家級人選(2009)

7. 湖北省高端人才引領培養計劃(2013)

8. 湖北青年五四獎章(2012)

9. 湖北省新世紀高層次人才工程“第一層次人選” (2006)

10. 湖北省優秀留學回國人員(2006)

11. 湖北省第七屆青年科技獎(2006)

12. 湖北省有突出貢獻中青年專家(2006)

13. 上海市研究生優秀成果(學位論文)(2004)


1. Associate Editor: Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (Springer) (IF=1.823) (2012-)

2. Advisory Board: Biotechnology Journal (Wiley) (IF=3.708) (2012-)

3. Editorial Board: BioMed Research International (Hindawi) (IF=2.706) (2012-)

4. 湖北工業大學學術委員會·副主任委員(2012.6-)

5. 湖北省食品質量安全抽檢監測專家委員會·副主任委員 (2014.12-)

6. 《氨基酸和生物資源》副主編(2013-)

7. 武漢大學、中國科學院武漢病毒所·兼職博士生導師(2007-)

8. 中國化工學會生物化工專業委員會·委員(2007-)

9. 湖北省微生物學會工業微生物專業委員會·主任(2009-)

10. 湖北省生物工程學會工業生物技術專業委員會·主任(2007-)


1. 2013.1-2017.12 鬼臼類抗腫瘤天然藥物開發研究 科技部中青年科技創新領軍人才 (國科發政[2013]452号文件)

2. 2012.1-2014.12 名貴食用菌塊菌發酵過程中組分的變化規律及機制 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃(NCET-11-0961)

3. 2014.1-2017.12 黑孢塊菌液體深層發酵産香機理 國家自然科學基金 (21376066)

4. 2012.1-2015.12 大腸杆菌基因工程菌發酵生産琥珀酸過程中CO2轉運與固定的協同代謝調控 國家自然科學基金 (21176059)

5. 2013.1-2017.12 工業生物技術過程工程的關鍵科學問題研究 湖北省高端人才引領培養計劃

6. 2006.1-2010.12 工業生物技術過程工程 湖北省“楚天學者”獎勵計劃

7. 2010.1-2012.12 組合生物轉化鬼臼毒素産物分子多樣性 國家自然科學基金(20976038)

8. 2008.1-2010.12 串聯生物轉化修飾鬼臼毒素分子結構的新方法研究 國家自然科學基金(20706012)

9. 2009.1-2012.1 琥珀酸生物制造的關鍵科學問題 湖北省自然科學基金創新群體 (2008CDA002)

10. 2006.1-2007.12 中藥生物轉化過程中關鍵問題的應用基礎研究 湖北省自然科學基金青年傑出人才(2006ABB034)


1. Ya-Jie Tang, Wei Zhao. 4′-Demthylepipodophyllotoxin Derivative, Preparation Method and Use Thereof II(US8796279B2)

2. Ya-Jie Tang. 4′-Demthylepipodophyllotoxin Derivative, Preparation Method and Use Thereof(US8569309B2)

3. 湯亞傑 肖黎. 具有抗腫瘤活性的酯化鬼臼類衍生物及其制備方法和用途(ZL201210374710.1)

4. 湯亞傑 白佳珂. 硫取代鬼臼類衍生物及其生物轉化和分離純化方法(ZL201110106192.0)

5. 湯亞傑 李園園. 腦苷脂的制備、純化及含量檢測方法(ZL201010268280.6)

6. 湯亞傑, 趙巍. 4′-去甲基表鬼臼毒素衍生物及其合成方法和應用.(ZL201010156798.0)

7. 湯亞傑, 趙巍. 4-(2,3,5,6-四甲基吡嗪-1-基)-4′-去甲表鬼臼毒素的生物轉化及分離純化方法.(ZL201010159753.9)

8. 湯亞傑 張偉. 促進靈芝酸和靈芝多糖生物合成的發酵方法(ZL200810007833.5)

9. 湯亞傑 李園園. 具抗腫瘤活性的羊毛甾烷型三萜化合物及制備方法和應用(ZL200810184588.5)

10. 湯亞傑 柳巧甯. 中間補料發酵生産塊菌活性菌絲體和塊菌多糖的方法(ZL200810172343.0)

11. 湯亞傑 李冬生 朱麗雯. 促進靈芝次生代謝産物合成的細胞培養方法(ZL200810001055.9)

12. 湯亞傑 徐小玲 李冬生. 4′-去甲基表鬼臼酸的制備和分離方法(ZL200810002773.8)

13. 湯亞傑 李豔 李冬生. 将鬼臼毒素轉化為鬼臼酸和鬼臼苦素的方法(ZL200810002774.2)

14. 湯亞傑 王冠 劉瑞桑 李冬生. α-雄烷醇的制備及含量檢測方法(ZL200810000570.5)

15. 湯亞傑 張偉 李冬生. 一種促進靈芝酸和靈芝多糖生物合成的靈芝細胞培養方法(ZL200810002772.3)

16. 湯亞傑 李冬生 孔國平. 一種塊菌多糖的制備方法(ZL200610166504.6)

17. 湯亞傑 李冬生 孔國平. 一種液體深層發酵生産塊菌多糖的培養基(ZL200610166503.1)

18. 鐘建江 湯亞傑. 中間補料發酵生産靈芝多糖和靈芝酸的方法(ZL01105700.9)

19. 湯亞傑 白佳珂. 硫取代鬼臼類衍生物及其合成方法和應用(201110106180.8)

20. 湯亞傑 肖黎. 具抗腫瘤活性的氮取代鬼臼類衍生物及其制備方法和用途(201210374359.6)

21. 湯亞傑 陳露 趙巍. 具抗腫瘤活性的酰胺取代鬼臼類衍生物及其制備方法和用途(201310292277.1)

22. 湯亞傑 陳露 趙巍. 具有抗腫瘤活性的酯化鬼臼類衍生物及其制備方法和用途(201310292577.X)

23. 湯亞傑 李建龍 趙巍 李紅梅. 硫取代鬼臼毒素類衍生物及其合成方法和應用(201310571051.5)

24. 湯亞傑 楊勇 趙巍 李紅梅. 具抗腫瘤活性的苯胺基取代鬼臼類衍生物及其制備方法和用途(201310571026.7)

25. 湯亞傑 王槐 趙巍 李紅梅. 具抗腫瘤活性的氮取代鬼臼類衍生物及其制備方法和用途(201310272211.8)

26. 湯亞傑 賈開志 徐陽華 張權. 根癌農杆菌介導的黑孢塊菌遺傳轉化方法(201410788066.1)


1.Wei Zhao, Jia-Ke Bai, Hong-Mei Li, Tao Chen, Ya-Jie Tang*. The tubulin structure-based drug design for the development of novel 4β-sulfur-substituted podophyllum tubulin inhibitors with antitumor antiproliferative activity. Scientific Reports (accepted) 2015 (IF=5.078)

2.Ya-Jie Tang*, Rui-Sang Liu, Hong-Mei Li. Current progress on Tuber submerged fermentation: a promising alternative for its fruiting bodies. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2015, 99: 2041-2053. (IF=3.811) ( with equal contribution to this work)

3.Wei Zhao, Xiao-Hua Wang, Hong-Mei Li, Shi-Hua Wang, Tao Chen, Zhan-Peng Yuan, Ya-Jie Tang*. Isolation and characterization of polysaccharides with the anti-tumor activity fromTuber fruiting bodies and fermentation system. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2014, 98:1991-2002. (IF=3.811) ( with equal contribution to this work)

4.Li Xiao, Wei Zhao, Hong-Mei Li, Duan-Ji Wan, Dong-Sheng Li, Tao Chen, Ya-Jie Tang*. Design and synthesis of the novel DNA topoisomerase II inhibitors: esterification and amination substituted 4′-demethylepipodophyllotoxin derivates with anti-tumor activity by activating ATM/ATR signaling pathways.European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2014, 80: 267-277. (IF=3.432) ( with equal contribution to this work)

5.Wei Zhao, Lu Chen, Hong-Mei Li, Duan-Ji Wan, Dong-Sheng Li, Tao Chen, Zhan-Peng Yuan*Ya-Jie Tang*. A rational design strategy of the novel topoisomerase II inhibitors for the synthesis of the 4-O-(2-pyrazinecarboxylic)-4′-demethylepipodophyllotoxin with antitumor activity by diminishing the relaxation reaction of topoisomerase II-DNA decatenation. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 2014, 22:2998-3007. (IF=2.951) ( with equal contribution to this work)

6.Wei Zhao, Dan-Dan Chai, Hong-Mei Li, Tao Chen, Ya-Jie Tang*. Significance of metal ion supplementation in the fermentation medium on the structure and anti-tumor activity of Tuber polysaccharides produced by Tuber submerged fermentation Process Biochemistry 2014, 49: 2030-2038. (IF=2.524) ( with equal contribution to this work)

7.Li-Wen Zhu, Xiao-Hong Li, Lei Zhang, Hong-Mei Li, Jian-Hua Liu, Zhan-Peng Yuan, Tao Chen, Ya-Jie Tang*. Activation of glyoxylate pathway without the activation of its related gene in succinate-producing engineered Escherichia coli.Metabolic Engineering. 2013, 20:9-19 (IF=8.258) ( with equal contribution to this work)

8.Rui-Sang Liu, Huan Zhou, Hong-Mei Li, Zhan-Peng Yuan, Tao Chen, Ya-Jie Tang*. Metabolism of L-methionine linked to the biosynthesis of volatile organic sulfur-containing compounds during the submerged fermentation of Tuber melanosporum.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2013, 97:9981-9992. (IF=3.811) ( with equal contribution to this work)

9.Rui-Sang Liu, Dao-Cheng Li, Hong-Mei Li, Ya-Jie Tang*. Evaluation of aroma active compounds in Tuber fruiting bodies by gas chromatography-olfactometry in combination with aroma reconstitution and omission test. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2012, 94:353-363. (IF=3.811)

10. Wei Zhao, Hong-Mei Li, Duan-Ji Wan, Ya-Jie Tang*. Manipulation of heterogeneity product in 4′-demethylepipodophyllotoxin biotransformation process by using yeast extract as nitrogen source. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2012, 93:107-115. (IF=3.811)

11. Jia-Ke Bai, Wei Zhao, Hong-Mei Li, Ya-Jie Tang*. Novel biotransformation process of podophyllotoxin to 4β-sulfur-substituted podophyllum derivates with anti-tumor activity by Penicillium purpurogenum Y.J. Tang. Current Medicinal Chemistry 2012, 19:927-936. (IF=3.715)

12. Yuan-Yuan Li, Guan Wang, Hong-Mei Li, Jian-Jiang Zhong, Ya-Jie Tang*. Volatile organic compounds from Tuber melanosporum fermentation system. Food Chemistry 2012, 135:2628-2637. (IF=3.259)

13. Ping Liu, Hong-Mei Li, Ya-Jie Tang*. Comparison of free amino acids and 5’-nucleotides between Tuberfermentation mycelia and natural fruiting bodies.Food Chemistry 2012, 132:1413-1419. (IF=3.259)

14. Yang Tang, Hong-Mei Li, Ya-Jie Tang*. Comparison of sterol composition between Tuber fermentation mycelia and natural fruiting bodies.Food Chemistry 2012, 132:1207-1213. (IF=3.259)

15. Li-Wen Zhu, Cheng-Cheng Wang, Rui-Sang Liu, Hong-Mei Li, Duan-Ji Wan, Ya-Jie Tang*Actinobacillus succinogenes ATCC 55618 fermentation medium optimization for the production of succinic acid by response surface methodology. BioMed Research International Volume2012, Article ID626137, 9 pages doi:10.1155/2012/626137 (IF=2.706)

16. Wei Zhao, Hong-Mei Li, Ya-Ling Tang, Xin-Hua Liang, Duan-Ji Wan, Ya-Jie Tang*. Optimization of a biotransformation process to produce 4-(2, 3, 5, 6-tetramethylpyrazine-1)-4′-demethylepipodophyllotoxin. Process Biochemistry 2012, 47:1522-1531. (IF=2.524)

17. Xiu-Ji Liu, Rui-Sang Liu, Hong-Mei Li, Ya-Jie Tang*. Lycopene production from synthetic medium by Blakeslea trispora NRRL 2895 (+) and 2896 (-) in a stirred-tank fermenter. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 2012, 35:729-749. (IF=1.823)

18. Jin-Feng Wang, Xiu-Ji Liu, Rui-Sang Liu, Hong-Mei Li, Ya-Jie Tang*. Optimization of the mated fermentation process for the production of lycopene by Blakeslea trispora NRRL 2895 (+) and NRRL 2896 (-). Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 2012, 35:553-564. (IF=1.823)

19. Cheng-Cheng Wang, Li-Wen Zhu, Hong-Mei Li, Ya-Jie Tang*. Performance analyses of a neutralizing agent combination strategy for the production of succinic acid by Actinobacillus succinogenes ATCC 55618. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 2012, 35:659-664. (IF=1.823)

20. Ping Liu, Yuan-Yuan Li, Hong-Mei Li, Duan-Ji Wan, Ya-Jie Tang*. Determination of the nucleosides and nucleobases in Tuber samples by dispersive solid-phase extraction combined with liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry.Analytica Chimica Acta. 2011, 687:159-167. (IF=4.517)

21. Wei Zou, Li-Wen Zhu, Hong-Mei Li, Ya-Jie Tang*. Significance of CO2 donor on the production of succinic acid byActinobacillus succinogenes ATCC 55618. Microbial Cell Factories. 2011, 10:87. (IF=4.250)

22. Ya-Jie Tang*, Wei Zhao, Hong-Mei Li. Novel tandem biotransformation process for the biosynthesis of a novel compound 4-(2, 3, 5, 6-tetramethylpyrazine-1)-4′- demethylepipodophyllotoxin. Applied and Environmental Microbiology2011, 77:3023-3034. (IF=3.952)

23. Yang Tang, Yuan-Yuan Li, Hong-Mei Li, Duan-Ji Wan, Ya-Jie Tang*. Comparison of lipid content and fatty acid composition between Tuber fermentation mycelia and natural fruiting-bodies. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry2011, 59:4736-4742. (IF=3.107)

24. Ya-Jie Tang*, Wei Zhang, Rui-Sang Liu, Li-Wen Zhu, Jian-Jiang Zhong. Scale-up study on the fed-batch fermentation of the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum for the hyperproduction of ganoderic acid and Ganodermapolysaccharides in stirred-tank bioreactor.Process Biochemistry 2011, 46: 404-408. (IF=2.524)

25. Rui-Sang Liu, Ya-Jie Tang*Tuber melanosporum fermentation medium optimization by Plackett-Burman design coupled with Draper-Lin small composite design and desirability function. Bioresource Technology 2010, 101:3139-3146. (IF=5.039)

26. Rui-Sang Liu, Ya-Jie Tang*. Quantitative analysis for the effect of plant oil and fatty acid on Tuber melanosporumculture by uniform design combined with partial least squares regression.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2010, 87: 1689-1697. (IF=3.811)

27. Li-Wen Zhu, Jian-Jiang Zhong, Ya-Jie Tang*. Multi-fed batch culture integrated with three-stage light irradiation and multiple additions of copper ions for the hyperproduction of ganoderic acid and Ganoderma polysaccharides by the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum.Process Biochemistry 2010, 45:1904-1911. (IF=2.524)

28. Ya-Jie Tang*, Li-Wen Zhu. Improvement of ganoderic acid and Ganoderma polysaccharide biosynthesis byGanoderma lucidum fermentation under the inducement of Cu. Biotechnology Progress 2010, 26:417-423. (IF=1.883)

29. Li-Wen Zhu, Ya-Jie Tang*. Significance of protein elicitor isolated from Tuber melanosporum on the production of ganoderic acid and Ganoderma polysaccharides by Ganoderma lucidum.Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 2010, 33: 999-1005. (IF=1.823)

30. Ya-Jie Tang*, Xiao-Ling Xu, Jian-Jiang Zhong. A novel biotransformation of 4´-demethylepipodophyllotoxin to 4´-demethylepipodophyllic acid by Bacillus fusiformis CICC 20463, Part II: Process Optimization. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 2010, 33:237-246. (IF=1.823)

31. Qiao-Ning Liu, Rui-Sang Liu, Yi-Hua Wang, Zhi-Yuan Mi, Dong-Sheng Li, Jian-Jiang Zhong, Ya-Jie Tang*. Fed-batch fermentation of Tuber melanosporum for the hyperproduction of mycelia and bioactive Tuber polysaccharides. Bioresource Technology 2009, 100:3644-3649. (IF=5.039)

32. Yan Li, Yuan-Yuan Li, Zhi-Yuan Mi, Dong-Sheng Li, Ya-Jie Tang*. Novel biotransformation process of podophyllotoxin to produce podophyllic acid and picropodophyllotoxin by Pseudomonas aeruginosa CCTCC AB93066, Part II: Process Optimization. Bioresource Technology 2009, 100:2271-2277. (IF=5.039)

33. Ya-Jie Tang*, Wei Zhang, Jian-Jiang Zhong. Performance analyses of a pH-shift and DO-shift integrated fed-batch fermentation process for the production of ganoderic acid and Ganoderma polysaccharides by medicinal mushroomGanoderma lucidumBioresource Technology 2009, 100:1852-1859. (IF=5.039)

34. Ya-Jie Tang*, Guan Wang, Yuan-Yuan Li, Jian-Jiang Zhong. Fermentation condition outweighed truffle species in affecting volatile organic compounds analyzed by chromatographic fingerprint system. Analytica Chimica Acta 2009, 647: 40-45. (IF=4.517)

35. Ya-Jie Tang*, Xiao-Ling Xu, Jian-Jiang Zhong. A novel biotransformation of 4´-demethylepipodophyllotoxin to 4´-demethylepipodophyllic acid by Bacillus fusiformis CICC 20463. Process Biochemistry 2009, 44:572-577. (IF=2.524)

36. Ya-Jie Tang*, Hong-Mei Li, Jean-François P. Hamel. Significance of pH and temperature on the production of heat-shock protein glycoprotein 96 by MethA tumor cell suspension culture in stirred-tank bioreactors. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 2009, 32:267-276. (IF=1.823)

37. Ya-Jie Tang*, Hong-Mei Li, Jean-François P. Hamel. Effect of dissolved oxygen tension and agitation rate on the production of heat-shock protein glycoprotein 96 by MethA tumor cell suspension culture in stirred-tank bioreactors.Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 2009, 32:475-484. (IF=1.823)

38. Ya-Jie Tang*, Yan Li, Jian-Jiang Zhong. Novel biotransformation process of podophyllotoxin to produce podophyllic acid and picropodophyllotoxin by Pseudomonas aeruginosa CCTCC AB93066, Part I: Process Development. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 2009, 32:663-671. (IF=1.823)

39. Ya-Jie Tang*, Ling-Li Zhu, Rui-Sang Liu, Hong-Mei Li, Dong-Sheng Li, Zhi-Yuan Mi. Quantitative response of cell growth and Tuber polysaccharides biosynthesis by medicinal mushroom Chinese truffle Tuber sinense to metal ion in culture medium. Bioresource Technology 2008, 99:7606-7615. (IF=5.039)

40. Guan Wang, Yuan-Yuan Li, Dong-Sheng Li, Ya-Jie Tang*. Determination of 5α-androst-16-en-3α-ol in truffle fermentation broth by solid-phase extraction coupled with gas chromatography-flame ionization detector/electron impact mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B 2008, 870:209-215. (IF=2.694) ( with equal contribution to this work)

41. Li-Wen Zhu, Jian-Jiang Zhong, Ya-Jie Tang*. Significance of fungal elicitors on the production of Ganodermapolysaccharides and ganoderic acid by submerged fermentation of medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum. Process Biochemistry 2008, 43:1359-1370. (IF=2.524)

42. Rui-Sang Liu, Dong-Sheng Li, Hong-Mei Li, Ya-Jie Tang*. Response surface modeling the significance of nitrogen source on the cell growth and Tuber polysaccharides production by submerged cultivation of Chinese truffle Tuber sinense.Process Biochemistry 2008, 43:868-876. (IF=2.524)

43. Ya-Jie Tang*, Ling-Li Zhu, Dong-Sheng Li, Zhi-Yuan Mi, Hong-Mei Li. Significance of inoculation density and carbon source on the mycelial growth and Tuber polysaccharides production by submerged fermentation of Chinese truffleTuber sinenseProcess Biochemistry 2008, 43:576-586. (IF=2.524)

44. Wei Zhang, Ya-Jie Tang*. A novel three-stage light irradiation strategy in the submerged fermentation of medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum for the efficient production of ganoderic acid and Ganoderma polysaccharides.Biotechnology Progress 2008, 24:1249-1261. (IF=1.883)

45. Ya-Jie Tang*, Hong-Mei Li, Jean-Francois P. Hamel. Suspension culture process of MethA tumor cell for the production of heat-shock protein glycoprotein 96: process optimization in spinner flasks. Biotechnology Progress2007, 23 (6):1363-1377. (IF=1.883)

46. Ya-Jie Tang*, Ryo Ohashi, Jean-Francois P. Hamel. Perfusion culture of hybridoma cell for hyperproduction of IgG2amonoclonal antibody in a wave bioreactor-perfusion culture system. Biotechnology Progress 2007, 23:255-264. (IF=1.883)

47. Ya-Jie Tang, Jian-Jiang Zhong*. Modeling the kinetics of cell growth and ganoderic acid production in liquid static cultures of medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidumBiochemical Engineering Journal 2004, 21:259-264. (IF=2.368)

48. Ya-Jie Tang, Jian-Jiang Zhong*. Role of oxygen supply in submerged fermentation of Ganoderma lucidum for production of Ganoderma polysaccharide and ganoderic acid. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2003, 34: 478-484. (IF=2.966)

49. Ya-Jie Tang, Jian-Jiang Zhong*. Scale-up of a liquid static culture process for hyperproduction of ganoderic acid by the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum. Biotechnology Progress 2003, 19:1842-1846. (IF=1.833)

50. Ya-Jie Tang, Jian-Jiang Zhong*. Fed-batch fermentation of Ganoderma lucidum for hyperproduction ofpolysaccharide and ganoderic acid. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2002, 31: 20-28. (IF=2.966)

51. Ya-Jie Tang, Jian-Jiang Zhong*. Exopolysaccharide biosynthesis and related enzyme activities of the medicinal fungus, Ganoderma lucidum, grown on lactose in a bioreactor. Biotechnology Letters 2002, 24: 1023-1026. (IF=1.736)




