

  • 中文名:occur
  • 外文名:
  • 拼音:
  • 近义词:
  • 反义词:
  • 1:发生
  • 2:发现,被发现;存在
  • 3:被想到,被想起



occur free自由存在

occur natural天然存在


hardly occur几乎不发生

just occur刚刚发生

never occur从没发生

only occur只存在


occur first首先想到

occur distressingly令人痛苦地发生

occur frequently屡次发生

occur historically历史性地发生

occur incredibly令人难以置信地发生

occur marvelously不可思议地发生

occur normally正常举行

occur occasionally偶尔发生

occur phenomenally非凡地举行

occur readily很快地举行

occur sporadically不时地发生


1.…发生在 happen to sb (especially of unpleasant events)

▲occur to sbI hope no accident has occurred to him.我希望他没出什么事。

2.被想起〔到〕 come to mind of (sb/sth)

▲occur to sb/sthSuch a simple explanation never occurred to me!我从未想到如此简单的解释。

A wonderful idea occurred to him.他突然想到一个妙主意。

As soon as that thought occurred to him, he felt worse.一想到那一点,他的心情就变糟。

It occurred to my mind. 我当时想到了这件事。

His name did not occur to my memory.我当时没有想起他的名字。

▲It ~s/ed+to sb+to-v/that-clauseDidn't it occur to you to close the window?难道你没有想到去关窗户吗?

Didn't it occur to you to phone them about it?关于这件事你难道就没想到给他们打个电话?

It occurred to him to tell the colonel of the problem.他想起要告诉上校那个问题。

It never occurred to me not to endeavor to do so; I was politically minded by nature.我从来没有想到过要打退堂鼓,我天生就是搞政治的。

It occurs to me that example is always more efficacious than precept.我想到身教重于言教。

Has it ever occurred to you that this old book might be of great value?你想到没有,这本旧书或许有很大的价值?

It never occurs to me that he was only acting a part.我从来没有想到,他只是在弄虚作假。

It never occurred to me that I had seen her before somewhere.我想不起来以前我在哪儿见过她。

Did it occur to him that lookers-on see most of the game? 他可曾想到旁观者清吗?

It occurred to me that I had left the door unlocked.我忽然想起来忘了锁门了。

It occurred to her that she might adopt a homeless child.她可能想收养一个无家可归的孩子。

It occurred to him that he hadn't eaten anything since the night before.他想起他自前天晚上以来一点东西没吃。

It never occurred to me for a moment you meant that.我一点儿也没想到你是这个意思。


