

  • 中文名:王晓平
  • 外文名:
  • 别名:
  • 民族:汉族
  • 籍贯:
  • 毕业院校:中国科学技术大学
  • 职业:教师
  • 主要成就:
  • 研究方向:受限电子单体的量子调控
  • 学位/学历:学位学士、硕士、博士
  • 专业方向:普通物理学(力学、电磁学、光学和原子物理学)






1999年1月-2000年12月 香港科技大学访问学者


2004年1月~至今 中国科学技术大学教授









1、 纳米团簇器件及分子开关,2002~2006,中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目子课题








1.Jie Zeng, Wei Lu, Xiaoping Wang, Bing Wang, Guanzhong Wang, J.G. Hou,

Fine Tuning Photoluminescence Properties of CdSe Nanoparticles by Surface States Modulation,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,298(2),685-688,(2006)

2.Yongjun Xie, Haiyang Yang, Hongtao Yu,Qinwei Shi,Xiaoping Wang,Jie Chen,

Excluded Volume Effect on Confined Polymer Translocation Trough a Short Nanochannel, J. Chem.Phys. 124, 174906_1 _4 (2006)

3.Huaixiu Zheng, Zhengfei Wang, Qinwei Shi, and Xiaoping Wang,Jie Chen, Statistical model for analyzing the dephasing effect in a one-dimensional scattering chain, Phys. Rev. B 74, 155323 (2006)

4. Z. F. Wang, R.X Xiang, Q. W. Shi, J.L. Yang, X.P.Wang, J. G. Hou, and Jie Chen, Modeling STM images in graphene using the effective-mass approximation, Phys. Rev. B 74 ,125417 (2006)

5. Wang B, Zhou YS, Ding XL, Wang KD, Wang XP, Yang JL, Hou JG,

Conduction mechanism of Aviram-Ratner rectifiers with single pyridine-sigma-C-60 oligomers, J. Phys.Chem. B 110 (48): 24505-24512 (2006)

6. Jie Zeng, Jie Chen+, Xiaoping Wang, Jianguo Hou, and Stephen T.C. Wong, Nanoscale Biomarkers for Cancer Genomics and Protemics, Internal IEEE/NLM workshop on Life Science Systems and Application, held in the National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA July 13 -14.


1.Fachun Lai, Ming Li, Haiqian Wang, Hailong Hu a, Xiaoping Wang a, J.G. Hou a Song, Yizhou; Jiang, Yousong,

Optical scattering characteristic of rough niobium-oxide films, Thin Solid Films Volume: 488, Issue: 1-2, September 22, 2005, pp. 314-320

2.Wei Lu, Bing Wang, Jie Zeng, Xiaoping Wang, Shuyuan Zhang, and J. G. Hou,

Synthesis of Core/Shell Nanoparticles of Au/CdSe via Au-Cd Bialloy Precursor,

Langmuir, 21 (8), 3684 -3687, 2005.

3.Nan Pan, Xiaoping Wang1, Kun Zhang, Hailong Hu, Bo Xu, Fanqing Li, and J.G. Hou,

An Approach to Control the Tip-shapes and Properties of ZnO nanorods

Nanotechnology 2005 16,1069-1072

4.Tongcang Li, Q. W. Shi, Xiaoping Wang, Qin Chen,J.G Hou and Jie Chen,

Effects of Dangling Ends on the Conductance of Side-contacted Carbon Nanotubes

Phys.Rev. B 72, 035422,2005

5. Qingtao Wang, Guanzhong Wang, Xinhai Han, Xiaoping Wang, and J. G. Hou,

Controllable Template Synthesis of Ni/Cu Nanocable and Ni Nanotube Arrays: A One-Step Coelectrodeposition and Electrochemical Etching Method, J. Phys. Chem. B 109 (49): 23326-23329


1.Xiaoping Wang, Qinwei Shi, Hailong Hu,

Load dependence and scanning size effect on friction of polytert-butylacrylate film

Thin Solid Films 466/1-2 pp. 183-188 (2004)

2.WANG Xiaoping, SHI Qinwei, HU Hailong, ZHANG Kun,

Probing Relaxation of Chain Segments of Polytert-butylacrylate Film by Force Distance Curve of Atomic Force Microscopy,

European Polymer Journal ,40(2004)2179-2183

3.Bing Wang, Jianglong Luo, Xiaoping Wang, Haiqian Wang and J.G. Hou,

Dielectric properties and frequency response of Self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiols,

Langmuir, 20,5007,(2004)

4.WANG Xiaoping, XIE Feng, SHI Qinwei+, ZHAO Texiu,

Effect of atomic diagonal motion on cluster diffusion coefficient and its scaling behavior,

Surface Science, 2004,561,25-32

5.Jiansheng Jie, Guangzhong Wang, Qingtao Wang, Yiming Chen, Xinhai Han, Xiaoping Wang, and J.G.Hou,

Synthesis and Characterization of Aligned ZnO Nanorods on Porous Aluminum Oxide Template, J.Phys.Chem. B 2004, 108 (32): 11976-11980 AUG 12 2004


1. 王晓平,石勤伟, 高聚物表面堆起结构的变温原子力显微术研究

物理学报,52 (3), (2003) 656-663

2. 王晓平, 胡海龙, 扫描力显微术在高聚物薄膜玻璃化转变研究中的应用

物理 32(4), 2003, 257-262

3.Xie feng,Wang Xiaoping, Shi Qinwei, Zhao Texiu, Monte-Carlo simulation of the effect of atomic diagonal transition on cluster diffusion, Chinese Physics, 12(7), 2003,778-784

4. Wei Lu, Bing Wang, Kedong Wang, Xiaoping Wang and J.G. Hou, Synthesis and characterization of crystalline and amorphous palladium anoparticles, Langmuir, 19,2003,5887-5891


1. X.P.Wang , M.M.T.Loy, and Xudong Xiao, Bundle Structure Formation on a Polymer Film at Various Temperature and Scanning Velocity, Nanotechnology, 13, 2002, 478-483

2. X. P. Wang, O. K. C. Tsui, Xudong Xiao, Dynamic Study of Polymer Films by Friction Force Microscopy With Continuously Varying Load, Langmuir, 18,2002,7066-7072

3. 王晓平,李凡庆,吴自勤,互补的微分析方法-扫描电子显微术和扫描探针显微术, 电子显微学报, 21(4), 2002, 416-421


1. X. P. Wang, O. K. C. Tsui, Xudong Xiao, Surface viscoelascitity studies of ultrathin polymer films using atomic force microscopy adhesion measurement, Macromolecules,34, 2001,4180-4185

2.Z.W.Chen, X.P.Wang, S.Tan, S.Y.Zhang, J.G.Hou and Z.Q.Wu , Multifractal behavior of crystallization on Au/Ge bilayer films, Phys.Rev.B 63,2001 165413

3. O.K.C.Tsui, X.P. Wang, Jacob Y.L.Ho, T.K.Ng, and Xudong Xiao,Studying Surface Glass to Rubber Transition Using AFM adhesion measurements , Macromolecules, 33, 2000, 4198-4204


