

  • 书名:服装专业英语(第2版)
  • 别名:
  • 作者:王强(编者), 白莉红(编者)
  • 类别:
  • 原作品:
  • 译者:
  • 出版社:化学工业出版社
  • 页数:181页
  • 定价:24.00
  • 开本:16
  • 装帧:平装
  • ISBN:7122115410, 9787122115416






Unit 1

Section ASpeaking Practice 1

Visiting a Clothing Firm参观服装公司1

Section BText Learning2

Major Departments in a Clothing Firm服装公司主要部门2

The Designing Department设计部2

The Techniques Developing Department技术研发部2

The Sales Department销售部3

Section CExtensive Reading 4

Li?Ning Sporting Goods Co. Ltd.李宁运动服饰有限公司4

Unit 2

Section ASpeaking Practice7

Trying on a New Style Dress试穿新款服装 7

Section BText Learning8

Basic Styles of Clothing服装基本款式8

Women?s Wear女装8

Men?s Wear男装9

Children?s Wear童装10

Section CExtensive Reading 11

Jean?Paul Gaultier让·保罗·戈帝埃

Unit 3

Section ASpeaking Practice 15

Fashion Designer?s Work设计师的工作15

Section BText Learning16

Basic Structure of Clothing服装基本结构16

Main Location and Method of Anthropometric Surveys for


Pattern Making制板18

Section CExtensive Reading 20

How to Draft the Basic Trouser Block裤装原型的画法20

Unit 4

Section ASpeaking Practice 24

Purchasing a Suitable Sewing Machine购买服装设备24

Section BText Learning25

Clothing Industry Equipment服装设备25

Sewing Machine缝纫机25

Pressing Equipment熨烫设备26

Miscellaneous Tools其他工具27

Section CExtensive Reading 29

Brother Industries, Ltd. 日本兄弟工业株式会社29

Unit 5

Section ASpeaking Practice 32

Clothing Quality Control服装质量管理32

Section BText Learning33

Techniques of Making up Clothing服装缝制工艺 33

Hand Stitching手缝针法33

Seams Type机缝缝型34


Section CExtensive Reading 37

Tailored Shirts缝制衬衫37

Unit 6

Section ASpeaking Practice 43

Choosing Fabrics43

Section BText Learning44

Materials for Clothing服装材料44

Fabrics面料 44



Section CExtensive Reading 51

Selecting Material面料的选择51

Unit 7

Section ASpeaking Practice 54

Making a Contract签订合同54

Section BText Learning55

Clothing Marketing and Merchandising服装市场与营销55

Market Segmentation市场细分 55

Merchandising Policies销售策略56

Section CExtensive Reading 58

Fashion in China时尚在中国 58

Unit 8

Section ASpeaking Practice 62

Meeting with Foreign Merchants会见外国客商62

Section BText Learning63

Global Clothing Trade全球服装贸易63

Making an Offer发盘63

Booking an Order下订单64

Executing an Order执行订单65

Section CExtensive Reading 67

Outlook for China?s Trade on Textile & Clothing 20062006年中国纺织与 服装贸易展望67

Unit 9

Section ASpeaking Practice 70

Going Shopping with Close Friends购物70

Section BText Learning71

Fashion Accessories服装配饰 71

Role of Accessories饰品的作用71

Head Wear帽饰71

Foot Wear 鞋类72


Other Accessories其他饰品73

Section CExtensive Reading 74

All Sorts of Accessories各种饰品74

Unit 10

Section ASpeaking Practice 77

A Fashion Show服装博览会77

Section BText Learning78

Fashion Popularity服饰流行趋势78

Styles in Different Ages不同时代服饰风格78

The Fashion Cycle服装流行周期83

Section CExtensive Reading 85

Trend Prediction流行趋势预测85

Appendix 1 Orders订单88

Appendix 2 Structure of Jacket99

Appendix 3 Sketches of Styles款式图100

Appendix 4 Stitches112

Appendix 5 Fabrics服装面料114

Appendix 6 Vocabulary单词表133

Appendix 7 Answers and Translation答案与译文141



